[Closed] Call for Papers

Program Chairs: Heike Trautmann, Tea Tušar, Penousal Machado, Thomas Bäck

PPSN was originally designed to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of Natural Computing, the study of computing approaches which are gleaned from natural models. Today, the conference series has evolved and welcomes works on all types of iterative optimization heuristics. Notably, we also welcome submissions on connections between search heuristics and machine learning or other artificial intelligence approaches. Submissions covering the entire spectrum of work, ranging from rigorously derived mathematical results to carefully crafted empirical studies, are invited.

Important Dates

(deadline interpretation = end of the day, anywhere on earth)

  • Paper submission due: April 5, 2024 Extension: April 18, 2024
  • Paper review due: May 20, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2024
  • Camery ready paper submission due: June 22, 2024

Submission Details

Following PPSN’s unique tradition, all accepted papers will be presented during poster sessions and will be included in the proceedings. The proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer.

Paper Presentation

  • All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
  • Papers must be submitted as PDF files in Springer LNCS style through the conference Paper Submission page. The page limit is 14 pages, excluding references.
  • Authors’ names need not be hidden for the reviewing process.

[Closed] Call for Workshops

Workshop Chair: Roman Kalkreuth

The PPSN 2024 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with PPSN 2024. The workshops should be forums for presenting and discussing new emerging approaches or for critical reflections within a subfield. They provide an excellent opportunity to meet people with similar interests, to be exposed to cutting-edge research and to exchange ideas in an informal setting. The organizers of an accepted workshop are responsible for its coordination, publicity (i.e., for sending out call for papers/abstracts, invitation of participants and speakers), and maintaining a webpage providing a list of accepted talks. Paper submission and reviewing (if applicable) is to be organized by workshop organizers.
Moreover, organizers can decide on setting up a half-day or full-day workshop. The workshop format is also up to the organizers. However, we encourage interactive sessions that foster discussion and active exchange of ideas. We suggest soliciting concept papers or abstracts of not more than a few pages’ length, instead of full papers.

Important Dates

(deadline interpretation = end of the day, anywhere on earth)

  • Proposal submission due: February 9, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: February 23, 2024

Submission Details

Prospective workshop organizers are cordially invited to submit a plain-text workshop proposal by email to: Roman Kalkreuth - Roman.Kalkreuth (at) lip6.fr

  • The title of the workshop.
  • A brief description of the workshop topic (roughly half a page).
  • A description of potential target participants and audience.
  • The planned time format (half day, full day).
  • An approximate number of participants.
  • An estimate of the number of talks (considering the time format).
  • Contact details and a short CV of each organizer.

The workshops and conference will be held “on-site” only. The organizers should consider this in their proposal. The local organizers will provide an adequate room and technical equipment for local presentations. Hybrid workshop formats will not be considered. In case of pandemic-caused restrictions, the workshops will have to switch to a full online format.

[Closed] Call for Tutorials

Tutorial Chair: Fabrício Olivetti de França

The PPSN 2024 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be held in conjunction with PPSN 2024. The tutorial topic should enjoy broad interest within the community, ranging from an established or emerging research topic within the field itself, or a related field, to an interesting application area. The proposed topic should facilitate a gentle introduction to the research area, but it should also cover the most important contributions in depth. The planned duration of each tutorial is 90 minutes. We strongly encourage interactive sessions including, e.g., demos of tools and discussions research perspectives in the presented domains.

Important Dates

(deadline interpretation = end of the day, anywhere on earth)

  • Proposal submission due: February 9, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: February 23, 2024

Submission Details

Prospective tutorial organizers are cordially invited to submit a tutorial proposal in pdf-format by email to: Fabrício Olivetti de França - fabricio.olivetti(at)gmail.com with a message header following the format “TPPSN24: [tutorial’s title]”

  • An abstract (of no more than 400 words) and up to 4 keywords.
  • A tutorial description of max. 2 pages.
  • Classification of your tutorial as “introductory” or “advanced”.
  • Contact details and a short vitae of the organizer(s).
  • Potential target audience.
  • Expected number of participants.
  • Details on previously held versions of the proposed tutorial including venues.

The tutorials and conference will be held “on-site” only. The organizers should consider this in their proposal. The local organizers will provide an adequate room and technical equipment for local presentations. Hybrid tutorial formats will not be considered. In case of pandemic-caused restrictions, the tutorials will have to switch to a full online format.