We are very pleased to announce Richard Kueng as our third keynoter for this year’s edition of PPSN! He is a full professor at Johannes Kepler University Linz, recipient of the FWF START Award, and an ERC Starting Grant, as well as elected member of the young wing of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2024.

Richard Kueng (Johannes Kepler University Linz, AT) is full professor for Computing Technologies. He pursues an interdisciplinary research agenda at the interface between computer science (algorithms & computational complexity), physics (quantum information & quantum technologies) and applied math (convex geometry & high dimensional probability theory). Broadly speaking, he aspires to develop efficient and simple solutions for important algorithmic challenges that also come with rigorous performance guarantees. Concrete examples are efficient subroutines for quantum and classical data processing, as well as (convex) optimization. Applications in optics, wireless communication, the math of voting and electronic design automation are also within his portfolio. Together with Hsin-Yuan Huang and John Preskill (both at Caltech), Richard Kueng developed the classical shadow formalism – an efficient quantum-to-classical conversion procedure that has made a lasting impact on quantum computing technologies.

In 2023, Richard Kueng received both an FWF START Award and an ERC Starting Grant. As of 2024, he’s also an elected member of the young wing of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

For more information about Richard Kueng go to https://iic.jku.at/team/kueng/.
