News Updates
Shuttle Bus Schedule
To make your experience more convenient, we provide a shuttle bus service from Linz to the conference venue in Hagenberg on all conference days, as well as for social events.
The bus will take you from the Lentos Shipping Pier at the Lentos Art Museum in the city center of Linz to the conference Venue FH OÖ Hagenberg in the morning and back again in the evening. An additional shuttle bus will be organized for the social events: The Welcome Reception at Ars Electronica Center and the Conference Dinner at Freistädter Brauhaus. The shuttle bus service is covered by your conference registration.
For information regarding public transport, please visit our subsite Venue.
Date | Time | From | To | |
Sa | 14.9.2024 | 07:45 | Lentos Shipping Pier | FH OÖ Hagenberg |
Sa | 14.9.2024 | 17:45 | FH OÖ Hagenberg | Lentos Shipping Pier |
Su | 15.9.2024 | 07:45 | Lentos Shipping Pier | FH OÖ Hagenberg |
Su | 15.9.2024 | 17:45 | FH OÖ Hagenberg | Lentos Shipping Pier |
Mo | 16.9.2024 | 08:00 | Lentos Shipping Pier | FH OÖ Hagenberg |
Mo | 16.9.2024 | 18:30 | FH OÖ Hagenberg | Ars Electronica Center |
Mo | 16.9.2024 | 22:00 | Ars Electronica Center | FH OÖ Hagenberg |
Tu | 17.9.2024 | 08:00 | Lentos Shipping Pier | FH OÖ Hagenberg |
Tu | 17.9.2024 | 18:30 | FH OÖ Hagenberg | Freistädter Brauhaus |
Tu | 17.9.2024 | 22:00 | Freistädter Brauhaus | FH OÖ Hagenberg |
We | 18.9.2024 | 08:00 | Lentos Shipping Pier | FH OÖ Hagenberg |
We | 18.9.2024 | 16:15 | FH OÖ Hagenberg | Lentos Shipping Pier |
Lentos Shipping Pier (first bus stop)